Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Day in the Mountains

Last Sunday, Bill's sister Tifiny volunteered to keep Olivia overnight for us and we gladly accepted. We got a lot of unpacking done, and Olivia was able to see her Pops a little more. We met them in Idylwild on Monday for lunch and then we just hung out around town and a nearby park.
Isabelle and Pops
We spent a good amount of time playing in this toy store
Olivia is working Pops' new toy
Isabelle, just relaxing
We bought cherry cola by Sprecher at the toy store. Of course we shared with Olivia.
Isabelle and her daddy
We found a cold mountain stream and the girls really liked playing in it!
Belle and her mommy
Esteban and Belle--his feet were going numb at this point

"It's cold Daddy"
"I like the cold, Daddy."
Pops and Olivia exploring
Belle just leaned back and totally relaxed on Esteban
Attempt at a family pic

Tifiny, Belle, Olivia, and Bill
Siblings and their precious girls

1 comment:

Chas and Renee said...

What fun! We miss you guys!