Sunday, March 7, 2010

A visit with a good friend

My first college roommate and friend, Joni Nord, came to San Diego with her husband for a business trip in early February. Olivia and I picked her up and spent the day eating and seeing beaches. It was great! The first beach we went to was in La Jolla.
The waves were huge that day.
She took Olivia for me and they chased waves and got completely soaked.
I started running out of clothes for Olivia at this point. She only has a diaper on.
Ocean Beach in San Diego.
This girl has no fear when it comes to getting wet and pummeled by waves.
We picked up Joni's husband Ryan and his coworker when they were done with their meetings and drove to Sunset Cliffs before dinner.
There's nothing like a west coast sunset!

This video was from our first few minutes at the beach in La Jolla. I had considered bringing Olivia's suit, but just didn't grab it. Next time I will!

1 comment:

tifi*cha cha* said...

hahahhaaa! love that you caught that on video!