Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our poor baby has had a rough couple weeks. I know she's probably just average and some kids have been hit much worse, but it's hard to see her so sick. Here's a timeline of the last 2 weeks.

Thursday March 19th- One year well baby checkup and vaccinations

Saturday night-up half the night watching Shirley Temple movies with me because she can't breathe well and is coughing. Bill slept in her room to make sure she would be okay.

Sunday March 22nd- trip to urgent care: 2 chest x-rays and blood drawn, has upper respiratory infection and goes on antibiotics (which she loves, by the way)

Monday 23rd- children's hospital to have her hips x-rayed to make sure there are no signs of hip dysplasia (from being breech at birth), and they drew a vile of blood from her finger for a lead test.

Monday 30th- back to children's hospital to redo x-ray of hips-they need a clearer angle

Tuesday 31st- developed head to toe rash, went to her dr. to find out what it was, came away with a diagnosed ear infection. Got stronger antibiotics for another 10 days. The rash is a side effect from her vaccinations 2 weeks ago.
Tuesday night, she's miserable from the rash and ear infection, so we read books together from 3-4:30am.

Today, I think the worst is behind us. She's still clingy and wants to be held (which is nice, but I know she's not herself when she's like this.)

Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to:
She LOVES eating an apple by herself.

Hanging out on the couch watching Pride and Prejudice
Playing with Daddy
Olivia with our amazing babysitter, Sarah


tifi*cha cha* said...

i can NOT believe how big she looks on the couch:( our lil niece is growing up! she is precious as ever! get well soon, olive! and momma get some rest!

Brittany Bupp said...

Poor little lady! Babies are troopers though! Make sure you rest when she rests..sounds like you haven't been getting very much rest!

Anonymous said...

You poor thing. I wish I was closer to help you.

G. Sprouse

BetnyNonnie said...

Bless her heart! Hope you guys get well soon! Hang in there!