It has been 2.5 years since we've seen each other, and this was a long-anticipated visit! Ken took off work so he could be with the 3 boys back home.
Olivia and Lydia, 3 months.
The kids adore Lydia. Gabe was allowed to hold her under strict supervision :)A picture by Olivia.
One morning, Gabe and I made buttermilk chess pie. Everything was going well until I had to take 15 seconds to do something for Olivia. I had pushed the eggs and mixing bowl far to the other side of the counter, but Gabe still managed to "help" me. He said, "Mommy, look! Egg!" This was after he drew all over furniture and the carpet with blue crayon, and also ate several pieces of gum from my purse. Turns out those were signs that he was sick, but I didn't think of that until after his nap that day, when he woke up with a 103.5 fever. The Dr. thinks it's a virus, and to let it run its course.
Happy girls
Kim giving love to our sick boy.
Kim and Olivia put on several "wild theatricals" (Little Women:)... Princess style.
My 4.5 year old!
It was a great visit!
Reading time while I make dinner