As of this week, Gabe can say "hello," "nana" for banana, and "oh-oh." He can sign "please" and "all done" but only when he wants to. He loves to go outside and will bring me his shoes and point out the door or window. He will also bring us books and plop on our laps if we're on the floor playing.
Gabe's a screamer, and will usually scream and then throw his whole body back on the floor when he's told no, or doesn't get his way, or when he's frustrated. He's also climbing everything he can get his little legs up onto.


Olivia was on our computer, and Gabe went right to the play computer. Bill set him up to have computer time too.

He conquered this on his own.

Longing to play outside.

Daddy and his kids.

I have Friday mornings to go out and do whatever I need to do and Bill stays with the kids. I came home to these last week! Beautiful!

Jammies and Daddy's boots.

Olivia started a playgroup/preschool on Mondays.

We had a gift card to a fancy restaurant, so we got dressed up and went there Wed. night. It was so much fun!

Olivia reading to Bear during rest time. Bear and Olivia and Gabe are really into Sandra Boynton books.
Great pictures and a peek into what is going on in your lives. Our grandkids grow up so fast. Gabe is becoming a little man and Olivia is definitely a little woman.
G. Sprouse
What FUN! You're doing a great job with those little ones! I'm impressed with Olivia's puzzles!
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