Waiting in the road to visit my grandparents while my Uncle Al plowed out their driveway with the tractor.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but the sides of the snow came up to the windows of my dad's Jeep.

Front porch was out of commission.


Gabe meeting Great Grandma Kohlhepp

Meeting Great Papa

View of my grandparent's front porch from the open door, inside.

Gabe and Great Papa watching football

Gabe was eyeing up Grandma's pumpkin pie

Decorating christmas cookies

Gabe was watching the girls decorate cookies

Fast asleep


Olivia and Papa ready to go outside! We had a heatwave today of 20 degrees!

Olivia finally got to make a snow angel.

The back of my parents' house


Backyard barn at sunset

This is the life

This is the life
1 comment:
I LOVE the picture of the front porch from inside the house! How fun. :) I hope you're having a great time!
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