This is the view on I-80 in Utah--a lot of salt!

Beautiful rock formations in Nevada

Our new state!

San Francisco from the Bay Bridge at sunset.

We stayed Saturday night with my dad's cousin Jill and her husband Elias. We had a great time and had a personal tour of the city from Jill in the morning. We hope to see them and their family a few more times while we're out here!
The view from Elias and Jill's living room window. If you look closely, you can see the Golden Gate Bridge.

Alcatraz at sunrise from their window.

Lombard Street (I jumped out of Jill's car to get this, so that's why you can't see the actual curvy street. We are literally at the very bottom, and there weren't cars behind us.)

Downtown SF


Heading toward the Marina (Golden Gate park is to the left, and the Wharf is to the right.)

Jill and me

Jill and Elias on their patio.

Bill and I went back to the park and hiked up to and walked out on the bridge.

View of SF from the Golden Gate.

Funny seals

Sunday night we stayed in Fresno and headed out Monday to Sequoia National Park.

General Sherman the Sequioa is the largest living tree on Earth (total mass-wise)

The views were breath-taking!
We arrived in Sun City Tuesday afternoon and have been here a week! Bill starts classes Thursday and is almost all set on campus. It's sureal to be out here!
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