These are from 16 weeks. I'm almost 18 weeks, only 2 more until we find out what gender the baby is (if baby cooperates.) I'm kind of at the point where I can't tell if I've gained healthy "baby" weight or if I've just eaten too much. I had Bill take a bunch of pictures and then I realized I had been pushing my stomach out as far as possible. So, really, when I suck it in, there actually isn't much of a difference. These are maternity clothes compliments of my sister Holly and friend Laurie:)
yeah, new posts!!! I think you look great! There's a definite bump protuding-i think that makes it seem so much more real. That shirt looks really comfy. Are you feeling better? I have twomore weeks until my ultra sound and can NOT decide what to do...keep the pictures coming...
you look great heidi! i see your baby bump but overall you look really slim..especially your face. what a beautiful pregnant woman!
You look so cute! I've just hit 25 weeks and all of a sudden I can't wear ANYTHING anymore. I'm just starting to take the plunge into the world of maternity clothes. I don't know about you, but I'm not loving that trip.
We're having a girl . . . have I told you that yet?
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