Hi, so today I'm trying to get over a bad head cold, desperatly hoping I'll be better by the time she comes. The house is clean, dishes done, laundry done, I even have meals in the freezer. The car seat is installed and has been inspected.
I'd like to make curtains for the baby's room yet, but I'm not really sure where to start. My mom may need to help me with those when they come over Easter. Also, I've painted the knobs for the dresser, but I need Bill's help to put those on as well. I've boiled bottles and nipples and nooks and even made drawer space for them.
I've made use of the Redbox near our place lately. Last night I watched Becoming Jane and Bill joined me for The Game Plan, starring The Rock. Two very different yet enjoyable movies.
Here are some pictures from yesterday and today.